Global Standard for Procurement and Supply

Current segment

Level: Advanced Professional

Theme: Technology

Segment 3.6 Improving Data Integrity in Supply Chains

Segment 3.6 Improving Data Integrity in Supply Chains

Knowledge: Will know and understand Capabilities: Will be able to

Data integrity in procurement and supply chain management

Evaluate improvements that can be made to data integrity for procurement and supply chain activities and make recommendations to colleagues and other stakeholders

The standards and storage of data and sources of intellectual property

Advise colleagues, suppliers and associated stakeholders on the standards, storage and passing of data affecting the supply chain

The use of information assurance and information risk management policies to protect the privacy of data for individuals, the organisation and the supply chain

Advise colleagues, suppliers and other affected stakeholders on issues relating to the confidentiality of data

Legal aspects relating to the protection of data, such as;

  • Data protection
  • Responsible data handling
  • Cyber security

Advise colleagues, suppliers and associated stakeholders on legal aspects relating to the protection of sensitive data affecting the supply chain

Data disruption, the use of data resilience strategies and disruption tolerant networks

Assess and evaluate implications of data disruption on the organisation and the supply chain and develop plans and processes to mitigate data disruption

The use of cyber security to protect the confidentiality, integrity and availability of data with external organisations and individuals

Work with key stakeholders to ensure robust cyber security plans and processes are created and followed

Knowledge: Will know and understand

Data integrity in procurement and supply chain management

Capabilities: Will be able to

Evaluate improvements that can be made to data integrity for procurement and supply chain activities and make recommendations to colleagues and other stakeholders

Knowledge: Will know and understand

The standards and storage of data and sources of intellectual property

Capabilities: Will be able to

Advise colleagues, suppliers and associated stakeholders on the standards, storage and passing of data affecting the supply chain

Knowledge: Will know and understand

The use of information assurance and information risk management policies to protect the privacy of data for individuals, the organisation and the supply chain

Capabilities: Will be able to

Advise colleagues, suppliers and other affected stakeholders on issues relating to the confidentiality of data

Knowledge: Will know and understand

Legal aspects relating to the protection of data, such as;

  • Data protection
  • Responsible data handling
  • Cyber security
Capabilities: Will be able to

Advise colleagues, suppliers and associated stakeholders on legal aspects relating to the protection of sensitive data affecting the supply chain

Knowledge: Will know and understand

Data disruption, the use of data resilience strategies and disruption tolerant networks

Capabilities: Will be able to

Assess and evaluate implications of data disruption on the organisation and the supply chain and develop plans and processes to mitigate data disruption

Knowledge: Will know and understand

The use of cyber security to protect the confidentiality, integrity and availability of data with external organisations and individuals

Capabilities: Will be able to

Work with key stakeholders to ensure robust cyber security plans and processes are created and followed

This segment was last updated on: 5th November 2024

The Global Standard for Procurement and Supply structure

Released in 2014 the Standard is a competency framework of procurement and supply skills, knowledge and capabilities that can be used by individuals and organisations to identity training and professional development needs at varying levels of competency.

The Global Standard for Procurement and Supply structure